Thursday, October 9, 2008

An illustration

I just had to put this awesome letter from my local paper in my blog today--it so clearly illustrates my last point.

To the editor:

We're here to say that we support John McCain and Sarah Palin. John McCain has paid his dues and Governor Palin is well on her way to do the same. He will fight for us every bit of the way in protecting us and our country from terrorists, in creating new jobs and putting this country back on it's feet again, by putting an end to all this pork barrel spending, by ending the shipping of millions of dollars overseas to countries that hate us, by helping people to pay for their own medical plans, by helping small business to keep growing and by stopping tax increases. Obama promises to provide health care for all who live in the United States but he doesn't say how he will pay for it because he doesn't know. I can tell you who will pay for it! The current economic crisis is the result of a legislative move during the Clinton administration that has over the years snowballed into the mess that we have today.

Obama believes in abortion. Do you realize that the first organ to develop in a fetus is the heart within 10 days of conception?

Obama condones gay marriage. We believe that one reason America will colaspe is because of the failure of the family unit consisting of a married man and woman. We will vote 'Yes' on Prop 102.

Wake up, America. We are throwing our liberties away as our forefathers knew them. We are headed for change all right:socialism. Isn't that what Castro of Cuba promised his people?



Thank you Jo Ann and Harvey! That was awesome. You say that Obama will take away our "liberties" but the only policy you mention is that he wants to provide healthcare to U.S. citizens. Of which liberty will that deprive you? Your freedom to send billions of dollars into Iraq?

Then you talk about YOUR beliefs--you want to deny women the right to choose and homosexuals the right to marry. Those sound way more like denial of liberties than providing health care. Just so I'm straight--you don't want to provide healthcare to poor women--but you want to force them to have babies that they know they can't care for. Brilliant plan. Man, I love this town sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rita,

Wow, that's quite a letter! Yikes. I could probably dig up something like that from around here too.

I loved your point about healthcare, abortion, and forcing poor women to have babies that they can't care for.

Unfortunately, Jo Ann and Harvey were wrong about Obama's stance on gay marriage. Or I guess maybe I should say their statement is misleading. Although I'm a strong Obama supporter, this is disappointing to me. Of course, he IS a stronger supporter of gay rights than McCain/Palin. However, he apparently does not believe that gay marriage should be made legal nationally, although he does support civil unions. I hate to say it, but this sure reminds me of separate but equal segregation in schools.

In his defense, it's still incredibly controversial, and the last time I checked the polls on the issue, a large majority of Americans opposed gay marriage. I led a debate about the issue in one of my classes last year, and I was shocked to learn first hand (anecdotally) how large of a majority the anti-gay marriage segment really is. People have incredibly strong feelings about it too. Unfortunately, I think most politicians would steer more toward the majority viewpoint on this one.

This is a good website that gives a summary of candidates positions, and you can scroll down to "gay marriage:"

Also, here's a quote that summarizes his position well from Lesbian Life website/blog:

In an interview with the Chicago Daily Tribune, Obama said, "I'm a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman."

He said he would support civil unions between gay and lesbian couples, as well as letting individual states determine if marriage between gay and lesbian couples should be legalized.