The other night, we were watching this movie about Japanese Shinobi (called Shinobi). I don't know much about them, but they were supposed to be super-special ninja that had really cool powers. One of the shinobi was immortal. It got me to thinking--how would you know you were immortal in this day and age? What if you did have some genetic mutation that made you immortal--but you didn't know. I mean how would you? I'm not talking about the ability to heal like on the TV show "Heroes"--I'm talking about the inability to die. You've spent your entire life being careful--for nothing. When you finally find out--you're like 80 years old (which is pretty young for immortality--but lets say your particular brand of genetic mutation allowed you to get physically old). Its kind of a weird thing immortality. In movies it seems like the immortal are almost always physically fairly old--but we almost never learn how they found out about their condition. Are you just born with the knowledge? Is there always some wise old Asian man there to tell you?
Something to think about.
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