I cried twice yesterday.
The first time was because my dog, Jeckyll is going through this weird thing. He will have sort of spasms of pain and cry and look sad--and then he'll be fine. He's old--like 13 years--and I made myself cry thinking of having to put him to sleep.
The second was when I was listening to NPR. Melissa Block was in China post-earthquake. She lost it at one point watching a mother look for her missing child.
I lost it too. Pretty cheesy. Then I felt guilty for crying about the dog. He's lived a good life--but it still makes me sad. I got the impression the woman's son had not lived long enough to say the same. I don't know them, but it still made me cry.
I tried to think of things that make me laugh.
My other dog, Rizo has a favorite toy. It's a ball with legs. No face, no hat, no funny smile--just a ball with legs. For some reason, it always makes me laugh.
Documentaries about wildlife always make me laugh--especially ones with birds. I guess I think things with 2 legs are funnier than those with 4 legs? I don't know.
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