Wouldn't it make more sense if car bumpers all had to be the same height off the ground? Isn't that what a bumper is? For bumping? Every time I see in my rear view mirror a lifted truck bearing down on me I think about this. What good is his bumper (I say he because 90% of the time it is a male driver in one of those--but not always) going to do? It would probably assist in decapitating me I suppose.
When gas was at $4, I came up with the plan for Flagstaff that we just have a fleet of bumper cars for in-town driving. How fun would that be? We could have convertible bumper cars, truck bumper cars, station wagon...whatever. All of them would belong to the city--so you just have to borrow one to get from place to place. We'd have big parking lots for personal vehicles for when you leave town--and some roads would be gas-power friendly. Wouldn't you want to visit Flagstaff if you knew you could drive around in bumper cars all day? We would eliminate road rage altogether--and I wouldn't have to worry about being decapitated.
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