Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not Very Stimulated

I'm not very impressed with what I've seen of the new "stimulus package." I think something is wrong with me because I actually agree with some Republicans. This might be the first time in my adult life that I can say that.

I appreciate the need to help the "down and out" in society--but this housing rescue package really stimulates me...to be angry.

Let's take a bunch of people who have demonstrated their inability to manage money (many of the folks currently in foreclosure)

and give them more money.

In addition lets tell folks who don't have enough money or don't have the desire to buy a home that we will give them a $7500 "incentive". How exactly will this help? So all of a sudden people who couldn't afford a home (because the incentive is only for first time home buyers) will be able to afford one with $7500? Won't that just give people a false sense of what they can afford? Isn't that what got us into this mess in the first place? I recognize that we need for people to buy homes--but I thought the Republican plan of a fixed rate 4.0% loan either for purchase or refinance was pretty darn enticing. That's giving long-term savings--and not just rewarding those in foreclosure. I wouldn't mind a little stimulation.

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