Tuesday, January 29, 2008

a little perspective

I read today that poor people in Haiti are eating dirt in order to survive. I swear when I read the headline I thought that I had accidently clicked on a link for the Onion. But according to USA Today (http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2008-01-29-haiti-dirt_N.htm?csp=34), the empoverished in Haiti are eating cookies made from dirt because food prices have increased thanks to higher prices in oil, fertilizer, etc. The really amazing thing is that not only are these people eating dirt, they are paying to eat dirt. The article says that the amount of clay used to make 100 cookies costs about 5 dollars. So how many million acres of this country are being used to create ethanol and high fructose corn syrup while these people are eating clay?

Another thought to ponder. Aristide was originally brought into power by the U.S. (along with the U.N) in Operation Uphold Democracy--sounds familiar. Thanks to this figure head being forced on the people, his government was powerless and Haiti plunged into the depths of poverty from which they have never been able to escape. Are there any examples of forced "democracy" bringing a country to prosperity?

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